To Install on Debian or Ubuntu just enter the following:
sudo apt install open-cobol
Create your program with .cbl suffix for example vars.cbl and compile with
cobc -free -x -o vars vars.cbl
Download the following example cbl file with this link
IDENTIFICATION DIVISION. PROGRAM-ID. VARS. DATA DIVISION. WORKING-STORAGE SECTION. *> define a number with a sign, 3 numbers, a decimal, and then *> two numbers after the decimal. by default it should be 0 filled 01 FIRST-VAR PIC S9(3)V9(2) VALUE 123.46. *> do the same thing as above but actually initialize *> to a number -123.45 01 SECOND-VAR PIC S9(3)V9(2) VALUE -123.45. *> defines an alphabetic string and initialize it to abcdef 01 THIRD-VAR PIC A(6) VALUE 'ABCDEF'. *> define an alphanumeric string and initialize it to a121$ 01 FOURTH-VAR PIC X(5) VALUE 'A121$'. *> define a numeric variable and initialize to zero 01 FIFTH-VAR PIC 9(5)v9(2) VALUE 00000.00. *> create a grouped variable 01 GROUP-VAR. 05 SUBVAR-1 PIC 9(3) VALUE 337. *> create 3 alphanumerics, but use less than *> the allocated space for each of them 05 SUBVAR-2 PIC X(15) VALUE 'LALALALA'. 05 SUBVAR-3 PIC X(15) VALUE 'LALALA'. 05 SUBVAR-4 PIC X(15) VALUE 'LALALA'. *> add first and second together and then print our variables PROCEDURE DIVISION. ADD FIRST-VAR SECOND-VAR GIVING FIFTH-VAR DISPLAY "1ST VAR :"FIRST-VAR. DISPLAY "2ND VAR :"SECOND-VAR. DISPLAY "3RD VAR :"THIRD-VAR. DISPLAY "4TH VAR :"FOURTH-VAR. DISPLAY "5TH VAR :"FIFTH-VAR. DISPLAY "GROUP VAR :"GROUP-VAR. STOP RUN.
Run the program and see the results